BHIL – Benson Hill Inc

Not Compliant

Benson Hill Inc is not Shariah Compliant because it fails the financial ratios.

Benson Hill, Inc. is an ag-tech company. The Company offers CropOS, which is a product design and development platform that uses predictive breeding and other advanced tools like CRISPR gene editing technology. The Company is engaged in the sale of soybean grain, soybean oil, soybean meal, soybean flakes and soybean flour and texturized flour, sales of processed yellow peas and sales of seed, as well as technology licensing fees and royalties. Its CropOS platform aggregates proprietary protein, genomic, and strategic data layers for predictive breeding using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) and its Crop Accelerator, an indoor year-round speed breeding and rapid prototyping facility. It is developing a diversified seed portfolio spanning the key markets, such as protein ingredients, aquaculture and specialty animal feed, and vegetable oils. The Company sells its products throughout North America, in Europe and in several countries globally.


Debt ÷ Market cap (MC)173.08
Non-Compliant Assets ÷ MC80.47