BSBR – Banco Santander Brasil SA

Not Compliant

Banco Santander Brasil SA is not Shariah Compliant because of its involvement in Banks (NEC) and related activities.

Banco Santander Brasil SA is a Brazil-based bank. The Bank operates through two segments: Retail and Wholesale. The Retail segment provides financial services to individuals, as well as to small and medium-sized enterprises. The Wholesale segment focuses on large corporations and capital markets. Together with its subsidiaries, the Bank offers a range of financial services, including consumer, commercial and investment banking services, lending and financing, mortgage lending, leasing, credit card operations and foreign exchange. The Bank is also engaged in the asset management, capitalization, securities brokerage, insurance brokerage and pension plans operations. The Company has a number of subsidiaries, such as Santander Corretora de Cambio e Valores Mobiliarios SA, Banco Bandepe SA and Sancap Investimentos e Participacoes SA, among others.


Debt ÷ Market cap (MC)243.6
Non-Compliant Assets ÷ MC365.72
Impure Income (incl. Interest)
Impure Income%
Interest Income%