CDRE – Cadre Holdings Inc

Not Compliant

Cadre Holdings Inc is not Shariah Compliant because of its involvement in Aerospace & Defense (NEC) and related activities.

Cadre Holdings, Inc. is engaged in manufacturing and distribution of safety products. The Company’s equipment provides critical protection to allow users to perform their duties and protect those around them in hazardous or life-threatening situations. The Company’s brands include Safariland and Med-Eng. It sells a range of products, including body armor, explosive ordnance disposal equipment and duty gear through both direct and indirect channels. In addition, the Company provides equipment it manufactures as well as third-party products, including uniforms, optics, boots, firearms and ammunition. It also provides a diversified suite of capabilities, including ventilation and containment, engineered containers, field services and maintenance, advanced transportation containers, specialty filters, and radiometric instrumentation.


Debt ÷ Market cap (MC)9.88
Non-Compliant Assets ÷ MC