D – Dominion Energy Inc

Not Compliant

Dominion Energy Inc is not Shariah Compliant because it fails the financial ratios.

Dominion Energy, Inc. is a producer and distributor of energy. The Company’s segments include Dominion Energy Virginia, Dominion Energy South Carolina, and Contracted Energy. Dominion Energy Virginia segment is composed of Virginia Power’s regulated electric transmission, distribution, and generation (regulated electric utility and its related energy supply) operations, which serve approximately 2.8 million residential, commercial, industrial and governmental customers in Virginia and North Carolina. Dominion Energy South Carolina segment consists of DESC’s generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity to approximately 0.8 million customers in the central, southern and southwestern portions of South Carolina and the distribution of natural gas to approximately 0.4 million residential, commercial and industrial customers in South Carolina. Contracted Energy segment includes the operations of Millstone, and associated energy marketing and price risk activities and others.


Debt ÷ Market cap (MC)113.16
Non-Compliant Assets ÷ MC20.12