ENSV – Enservco Corp

Not Compliant

Enservco Corp is not Shariah Compliant because it fails the financial ratios.

Enservco Corporation, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, provides various services to the domestic onshore oil and natural gas industry. These services include hot oiling and acidizing (Production Services) and frac water heating (Completion and Other Services). The Company owns and operates a fleet of approximately 350 specialized trucks, trailers, frac tanks, and other well-site-related equipment. The Company’s Production Services segment consists of hot oiling services, acidizing, and pressure testing. Production Services operations are in Colorado, Wyoming, North Dakota, Montana, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, and Texas. Its hot oiling services involve the circulation of a heated fluid, typically oil, to dissolve, melt, or dislodge paraffin or other hydrocarbon deposits from the tubing of a producing well. The Company’s Completion and Other Services segment consist of frac water heating and other services.


Debt ÷ Market cap (MC)135.87
Non-Compliant Assets ÷ MC4.53