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LPG – Dorian LPG Ltd

Not Compliant

Dorian LPG Ltd is not Shariah Compliant because it fails the financial ratios.

Dorian LPG Ltd. is a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) shipping company. The Company and its subsidiaries are focused on owning and operating very large gas carriers (VLGCs) in the LPG shipping industry. The Company’s fleet consists of 25 VLGCs, including one dual-fuel 84,000 cubic meters (cbm) ECO-design VLGC (Dual-fuel ECO VLGC), 19 fuel-efficient 84,000 cbm ECO-design VLGCs (ECO VLGCs), one 82,000 cbm modern VLGC, two time chartered-in dual fuel Panamax size VLGCs, and two time chartered-in ECO VLGCs. It provides in-house commercial and technical management services for all of its vessels. Thirteen of its ECO VLGCs, including one of its time-chartered-in ECO-VLGCs, are fitted with exhaust gas cleaning systems to reduce sulfur emissions. Its subsidiaries include Dorian LPG Management Corp., Dorian LPG Finance LLC, Dorian LPG (UK) Ltd, Occident River Trading Limited, Dorian LPG Chartering LLC, CJNP LPG Transport LLC, Commander LPG Transport LLC and others.


Debt ÷ Market cap (MC)41.14
Non-Compliant Assets ÷ MC2.84