AGE – AgeX Therapeutics Inc

Not Compliant

AgeX Therapeutics Inc is not Shariah Compliant because it fails the financial ratios.

AgeX Therapeutics, Inc. is a biotechnology company. The Company is focused on the development and commercialization of novel therapeutics targeting human aging and degenerative diseases. The Company’s proprietary technology, based on telomerase-mediated cellular immortality and regenerative biology, allows utilizing telomerase-expressing regenerative pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) for the manufacture of cell-based therapies. Its cell-based therapeutic candidates in development are AGEX-BAT1 and AGEX-VASC1. AGEX-BAT1 is a cell therapy product candidate in the discovery stage of development utilizing PSC-derived brown adipocytes for the treatment of certain age-related metabolic disorders such as Type II (adult-onset) diabetes and obesity. AGEX-VASC1 is a cell-based therapy comprised of young regenerative vascular-forming cells. AGEX-VASC1 may restore vascular support in aged ischemic tissues such as in peripheral vascular disease and ischemic heart disease.


Debt ÷ Market cap (MC)15.73
Non-Compliant Assets ÷ MC38.02
Impure Income (incl. Interest)
Impure Income%
Interest Income%

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