AXP – American Express Co

Not Compliant

American Express Co is not Shariah Compliant because of its involvement in Consumer Credit Cards Services and related activities.

American Express Company is a globally integrated payments company. The Company provides its customers with access to products, insights, and experiences that build business. It provides credit and charge cards to consumers, small businesses, mid-sized companies, and corporations. It operates under four segments: U.S. Consumer Services (USCS), Commercial Services (CS), International Card Services (ICS), and Global Merchant and Network Services (GMNS). USCS offers travel and lifestyle services as well as banking and non-card financing products. CS offers payment and expense management, banking, and non-card financing products. CS also issues corporate cards and provides services to select global corporate clients. ICS also provides services to international customers, including travel and lifestyle services, and manages certain international joint ventures and its loyalty coalition businesses. GMNS provides multi-channel marketing programs and capabilities, services, and data analytics.


Debt ÷ Market cap (MC)109.74
Non-Compliant Assets ÷ MC80.13

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