Not Compliant

CBIZ Inc is not Shariah Compliant because of its involvement in 0 and related activities.

CBIZ, Inc. is a provider of financial, insurance and advisory services to businesses throughout the United States and parts of Canada. It provides a range of accounting, insurance brokerage, financial and advisory services. It delivers its services through three groups: Financial Services, Benefits and Insurance Services, and National Practices. Financial Services is comprised of core accounting services, including traditional accounting, tax compliance, advisory, and specialty services, like transaction and risk advisory services, litigation support, valuation, and federal and state government health care compliance and consulting. Benefits and Insurance Services provides brokerage and consulting for group health benefits and property and casualty insurance in addition to retirement plan advisory and investment services. National Practices provides information technology and hardware services and healthcare consulting services. The Company also offers cyber and security services.


Debt ÷ Market cap (MC)8
Non-Compliant Assets ÷ MC

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