DAR – Darling Ingredients Inc

Not Compliant

Darling Ingredients Inc is not Shariah Compliant because of its involvement in 0 and related activities.

Darling Ingredients Inc. develops and produces sustainable natural ingredients from edible and inedible bio-nutrients, creating a range of ingredients and customized specialty solutions for customers in the pharmaceutical, food, pet food, animal feed, industrial, fuel, bioenergy and fertilizer industries. Its segments include Feed Ingredients, Food Ingredients and Fuel Ingredients. Feed Ingredients operating segment includes its global activities related to the collection and processing of beef, poultry and pork animal by-products in North America, Europe and South America into non-food grade oils and protein meals, and others. Food Ingredients operating segment includes its global activities related to the purchase and processing of beef and pork bone chips, beef hides, pig skins, and fish skins into collagen, and others. Fuel Ingredients operating segment includes its global activities related to the conversion of organic sludge and food waste into biogas in Europe, and others.


Debt ÷ Market cap (MC)62.38
Non-Compliant Assets ÷ MC

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